Friday, January 6, 2012


So my goal of one organizing project a day? I have realized that with everything else I have going on, especially with the show til March, then with a certain wedding coming up after in which I am a bridesmaid (YAY Mindy), it isn't feasible.

So I'm going to edit it to be one organizing project a week.

I'm also taking a cue from Melissa and am going to make a nightly/weekly schedule to try to help me accomplish what I need to do every day. Maybe it will help with my overall 2012 goal of increasing my self discipline (not to be confused with my New Year's Resolution which is to cut out fast food, which I have already slipped on once, but I don't believe in all or nothing with resolutions.).

More to come.


  1. I think one project a week is a good goal! :) I certainly couldn't organize one thing every day, that would be really tough, with everything else that you want to be doing/need to be doing.

    And it is amazing how much time one little person takes up. Before baby, I would have had tons of time for things like cleaning and organizing. It's hard to do when you've got a baby though! :)

  2. @KB, love you too babe (Even if your handle always makes me think Cara is replying lol)

    @Melissa, you are so right...I keep thinking I have way more time than I do, especially since all I really want is to play and cuddle and read to my girl. I have the first 2 weeks' projects ready to post later today or tomorrow. :)
